
Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Pork Luncheon Meat & Cheese Roll - Another TZ Method Dough Bread

Along latest time when I didn't post anything here, i made some of my already posted recipes, with some creation of filling. One favourite filling is this one : pork luncheon meat with cheese.

For this bun, I used the TZ method dough bread by HHB, and the result, as always, is amazing. I love this recipe a lot!

Here is the link : TZ Method Bread based on HHB

Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Proyek Hokaido Milky Loaf

Setelah lebih dari sebulan saya libur membuat roti karena cedera pergelangan tangan, sejak tanggal 29 Sep 2014 kemarin, saya mulai membuat roti lagi, walaupun cedera belum pulih seluruhnya. Tangan kiri sekarang adalah tangan andalan yang saya gunakan untuk menguleni adonan.

Setelah mulai dengan roti goreng isi kari pada tanggal 29 Sep kemarin, saya ingin melanjutkan dengan beberapa jenis roti lagi, yaitu dinner rolls ala maangchi favorit saya, dan Hokaido Milky Loaf yang saya lihat resepnya di blog mba Endang, yaitu just try and taste..

Posting ini sudah saya tunda beberapa lama hingga saya eksekusi. Selama itu, saya telah membuat beberapa jenis roti yang sudah saya publish posting lebih dahulu. Namun saya kira belum terlambat.

Saya mengeksekusi pada tanggal 7 Desember 2014. Roti lembut, dengan bahan cair whipping cream dan TZ, sangat enak dimakan. Berikut tampilannya saya buat besar, supaya terlihat jelas kelembutan tekstur rotinya.

Saya membentuk jadi rolls, bukan loaf, karena untuk alasan kepraktisan saja. Roti ini saya simpan di freezer dan saya kukus selama 5-10 menit di dalam kukusan saat ingin dimakan. Rasanya? Luar Biasa dan Wangi.

Link : Hokaido Milky Loaf by JTT

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Raisin Bun (No Knead Dough Bread)

This bun i made last 28-29 November 2014 is a no knead dough bread. If you are not in the mood to knead the dough, this is one of the right choice to pick. The end result is soft and great, so one of my friend can eat 3 pieces in a row. 

Very nice indeed to make this bread. I made no modification, only followed the recipe. Thank Mbak Nikmatul Rosidah !! This also contains some cinnamon, and has a bit similarity with the one i posted before, Cinnamon Raisin Bread by JTT.

11 gram Instant Yeast
180 ml Warm Water
50 gram Granulated Sugar
375 gram Plain Flour (I used 200 grams of bread flour and 175 grams of cake flour) => oops.. i forgot i did this modification !!)
50 grams Unsalted Butter (I used salted margarine)
1/2 teaspoon Salt (I didn't use)
3 teaspoon Milk Powder
1 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder
1 Egg
150 gram Raisin

How To Make:
1. Put instant yeast in 80 ml warm water, rest for 5-9 minutes till it has buble
2. Put together dry ingredients (Sugar, Flour, Salt, Milk Powder, Cinnamon Powder), mix well, put butter, continue mixing. Put Instant Yeast Mixture and rest of Warm Water, and Egg, mix until well combined. Rest dough for 1 hour, 
3.  Divide dough by 12 or 11 or as taste, and let rest for 15 minutes (till double), and prepare the oven (180 C). Bake for 15 minutes.
4. Take the bread, and glazed with mixture of 1 tablespoon of butter / margarine and honey.
5. Ready to serve :)

Link : Raisin Bun (No Knead) by Mba Nikmatul Rosidah
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